Sustainability policy

Sustainability Policy of artisanNow

At artisanNow, we are committed to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Our community of artisans and women creators from Latin America is an essential part of our focus on creating sustainable economies through creativity and technology. To fulfill this commitment, we have developed the following sustainability policies:

Environmental Sustainability:

Carbon Footprint: We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. This includes optimizing our web servers for energy efficiency and preferring hosting providers that use renewable energy. Responsible Resource Consumption: We encourage the reduction of natural resource consumption, such as paper and plastic, in our operations and promote sustainable practices among our users.

Promoting Sustainable Tourism: We work to educate our users and collaborators about sustainable tourism practices, encouraging the conservation of the environment and local culture.

Social Sustainability:

Gender Equality: We advocate for gender equality in our community and in the economic opportunities we provide. We actively support women creators and master artisans in Latin America.

Community and Collaboration: We foster collaboration and networking among our members to strengthen the community and promote an environment of mutual support.

Economic Sustainability:

Fair Trade: We promote a fair and equitable market for our members, ensuring they receive fair payment for their work.

Support for Local Entrepreneurs: We work to connect our master artisans and women creators with local and regional marketing opportunities, contributing to the economic growth of their communities.

Technological Innovation: We use technology responsibly and efficiently to improve community management and facilitate access to economic opportunities.

Transparency and Accountability:

Sustainability Report: We regularly publish sustainability reports detailing our efforts and achievements in sustainability, enabling transparency and accountability.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement: We value the input of our community and are committed to improving our sustainability practices based on their feedback.

At artisanNow, we believe that sustainability is essential for the long-term success of our community and for the well-being of our planet. We are committed to continually developing and implementing sustainable practices in all our operations and working together with our community to achieve a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.